National Testing Service – Pakistan (NTS) is an organization in Pakistan that administers academic performance evaluation tests for Jobs, Scholarships, Admissions, Entry Test, Internships etc, for all Government and Private Sectors Departments. They have authority to take an aptitude test for the willing students to be able to get the desired job or get admission in the universities recognize by the HEC higher education commission of Pakistan. GAT, NAT both General and Subjective Test also organized and managed by NTS Test. After advertisement all applicants submit application form then they will receive their roll no slips, test dates time center information right now.
Only eligible candidates get their Roll number slips and test center allotted. The roll number slips will be dispatched at home addresses about few days prior to the test date. NTS will dispatch the result cards within 7 days after the test date. Here we will provide also NTS result and NTS answer keys online along with NTS interviews dates schedule for final selected candidates. NTS Roll No slip download online If you got your original NTS Roll No Slip by post then don’t print or bring your online printed roll number slip. And if you did not get the Roll number slips before one day from test held date then you write your Full Name or CNIC Number in the following project place where mentioned that download your NTS Roll Number slips officially.
All NTS Roll No Slips for Jobs Test 2024 Download
All Candidates will download their NTS Test Roll Number Slips here from given below…
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Instructions Procedure::
- You shall require your Name or CNIC number official to enter for check roll number slip.
- Enter your name or CNIC number in the window in the relevant project. Although you see that this window says “List of Eligible Candidate” but don’t get confused, actually this will give you your roll number slip if you are eligible.
- If you could not find your roll number slip in the below window you are advised to check your name in the Rejected candidate list, maybe due to some reasons you may be got rejected.
- Take a print of the page that opens after submitting your name or CNIC.
- Bring that print of your information along with CNIC and contact NTS Help Desk on test day. You will be issued provisional Roll No. Slip at the test center also.
- If your Picture was missing with the NAT Registration Form, then you must paste a recent photograph on your Roll No. Slip and bring it with you to the Test Center. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to sit in the test.
Keep visiting for further information about NTS Test, results, roll no slips, test dates, interviews scheduled, candidates lists, merit lists official. If you have face any issue regarding to NTS Test discuss in comments below.